Direct control of your Pentair pool system with bPentair including Pumps, Intellibright, Intellichem and IntelliChlor.
- Supports IntelliTouch and EasyTouch
- Implements all standard Pool Proxy features
- Command ACK / retry logic for enhanced reliability
- Pool, Spa and Air setpoint and temperature graphing
- IntelliBrite control
- Heater name customization, heat rate tracking, variables and conditionals
- C4 – Pentair Time synchronization
- iChem Water Chemistry Controller Integration
- PH, ORP and LSI setpoints, variables, conditionals, graphing, events and alarms
- Operational alarms (No Flow, Lockouts, Dose Limits, Tank Levels)
- iChlor Integration
- Pool and Spa chlorination setpoints
- Salt graphing, events and alarms
- Operation alarms (No Flow, Super Chlorination status)
- Variable Pump Integration
- View current RPM and wats
- Change pump speeds
- Spa Warmup Speed
Use the License Tab within the driver facilitate the purchase, management and installation of license keys for this driver. See the documentation for more details.
All BNet Solutions driver are fully functional for a 7-day Trial Period. There are no refunds so please review the documentation for any limitations or known issues and determine acceptance during Trial Period.
Current Version: 1.15 (3/10/25)
v1 – Initial Release (1/23)