How Do I Purchase Your Drivers?

Use the License Tab within the driver facilitate the purchase, management and installation of license keys. See the driver documentation for more details.

How Do I Register with BNet Solutions?

There is no “Dealer Registration” or account creation requirements – I don’t want your usernames or passwords anymore than you want to create and track another set of credentials. All BNet Solutions drivers are available for anyone to download.

Do You Offer “Showroom” Licenses?

Yes, however as stated in the Terms and Conditions, the intention of this type of license is to further the product awareness of BNet Solutions offerings and is therefor restricted to environments where potential customers have access to view and interact with the product.

Is There A “Dealer” Price?

While we do offer discounts for bulk purchases and “Showroom” licenses, the driver cost is the same for everybody.

How Do I Transfer A License After An Upgrade?

After decommissioning the old Controller and installing the drivers on the new Controller, email me your transfer request, including the MACs, at blucas@bnet4solutions.com.

I Lost My License Key. Now What?

Using the bLicense driver, you can retrieve all license keys associated with your Controller’s MAC address. Simply run the “Get Purchased License Keys” Action and bLicense will retrieve, display and activate the appropriate installed drivers.

What Is the Driver Admin Portal?

BNet Solutions drivers have a built-in Admin Portal that include an Information, Properties, Variables, Actions, Lua, Documentation and License tabs. See the driver’s documentation for additional information.